Web Designing Course Training in Jaipur

Web Designing Course in Jaipur

Course Duration, Info & Schedule

Cousre Duration
3 Months (Offline Classes)
2hrs/day, 3Day/week
Design > Develop > Iterate
Upcoming Batch
Coming soon
Master web design professionally
Creating websites with creativity and practice
Course Info
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Offers for first 7 Seats Only

Web Designing Course in Jaipur - An Introduction


Web design encompasses the creation and maintenance of websites, focusing on both aesthetic appeal and functionality. It involves various disciplines such as graphic design, user interface (UI) design, user experience (UX) design, and front-end development.

Course Objectives:

  • Learn fundamental principles of web design, including layout, typography, color theory, and visual hierarchy.
  • Understand UI/UX design principles to create intuitive and user-friendly interfaces.
  • Master HTML and CSS for structuring and styling web pages.
  • Implement responsive design techniques for optimal viewing across devices.
  • Explore JavaScript for enhancing interactivity and functionality on web pages.
  • Integrate multimedia elements such as images, videos, and animations effectively.
  • Utilize web design tools and frameworks to streamline the design process.
  • Learn best practices for optimizing web performance, accessibility, and SEO.

Pre-requisite / Target Audience:

This course is designed for aspiring web designers, graphic designers, developers, and anyone interested in creating modern, visually appealing websites. Basic computer skills and familiarity with the Internet are recommended. No prior experience in web design is necessary, making it accessible for beginners looking to enter the field.

Course Modules

  • How the Website Works?
  • Client and Server Scripting Languages
  • Domains and Hosting
  • Responsive Web Designing
  • Types of Websites (Static and Dynamic Websites)
  • Types of Websites (Static and Dynamic Websites)
  • Web Standards and W3C Recommendations
  • Introduction of Stock Photography
  • Types of Image Graphics
  • Introduction to Adobe Photoshop
  • Interface Tour of Photoshop
  • Color Modes
  • Resolution and Presets
  • Move Tool
  • Marque Tool
  • Lasso Tool
  • Quick Selection, Magic Wand
  • Crop, Slicing Tool
  • Healing Brush, Patch Tool
  • Brush Tool
  • History Brush
  • Introduction of Stock Photography
  • Types of Image Graphics
  • Introduction to Adobe Photoshop
  • Interface Tour of Photoshop
  • Color Modes
  • Resolution and Presets
  • Move Tool
  • Marque Tool
  • Lasso Tool
  • Quick Selection, Magic Wand
  • Crop, Slicing Tool
  • Healing Brush, Patch Tool
  • Brush Tool
  • History Brush
  • Creating New Files & Designing on a Grid
  • Importing & Cropping Photos
  • Vector Graphics, Colors, Shadows, & More
  • Text Styles
  • Components (Reusable Elements)
  • Turning a Design into a Clickable Prototype
  • Exporting Assets for Web: SVG, JPEG, & PNG
  • Auto Layout: Introduction
  • Auto Layout: Deeper Dive
  • Linking Up/Down a Page, Scrollable Areas, & Hyperlinks
  • Intro to Smart Animate and Parallax Animation
  • Component Properties & Variants
  • Hovers & Overlays
  • Team Libraries (Shared Libraries)
  • HTML Introduction
  • HTML Editors
  • HTML Basic
  • HTML Elements
  • HTML Attributes
  • HTML Headings
  • HTML Paragraphs
  • HTML Styles
  • HTML Formatting
  • HTML Quotations
  • HTML Comments
  • HTML Colors
  • HTML Links
  • HTML Images
  • HTML Favicon
  • HTML Page Title
  • HTML Tables
  • HTML Lists
  • HTML Block & Inline
  • HTML Div
  • HTML Classes
  • HTML Id
  • HTML Iframes
  • HTML JavaScript
  • HTML File Paths
  • HTML Head
  • HTML Layout
  • HTML Responsive
  • HTML Semantics
  • HTML Style Guide
  • HTML Entities
  • HTML Symbols
  • HTML Emojis
  • HTML URL Encode
  • HTML vs. XHTML
  • HTML Forms
  • HTML Form Attributes
  • HTML Form Elements
  • HTML Input Types
  • HTML Input Attributes
  • HTML Input Form Attributes
  • HTML Media
  • HTML Video
  • HTML Audio
  • HTML Plug-ins
  • HTML YouTube
  • HTML Geolocation
  • HTML Drag/Drop
  • HTML Web Storage
  • HTML Web Workers
  • CSS Introduction
  • CSS Syntax
  • CSS Selectors
  • CSS Comments
  • CSS Colors
  • CSS Backgrounds
  • CSS Borders
  • CSS Margins
  • CSS Padding
  • CSS Height/Width
  • CSS Box Model
  • CSS Outline
  • CSS Text
  • CSS Fonts
  • CSS Icons
  • CSS Links
  • CSS Lists
  • CSS Tables
  • CSS Display
  • CSS Max-width
  • CSS Position
  • CSS Z-index
  • CSS Overflow
  • CSS Float
  • CSS Inline-block
  • CSS Align
  • CSS Combinators
  • CSS Pseudo-class
  • CSS Pseudo-element
  • CSS Opacity
  • CSS Dropdowns
  • CSS Attr Selectors
  • CSS Forms
  • CSS Counters
  • CSS Website Layout
  • CSS Units
  • CSS !important
  • CSS Math Functions
  • CSS Rounded Corners
  • CSS Border Images
  • CSS Backgrounds
  • CSS Color Keywords
  • CSS Gradients
  • CSS Shadows
  • CSS Text Effects
  • CSS Web Fonts
  • CSS 2D Transforms
  • CSS 3D Transforms
  • CSS Transitions
  • CSS Animations
  • CSS object-fit
  • CSS object-position
  • CSS Masking
  • CSS Buttons
  • CSS Multiple Columns
  • CSS User Interface
  • CSS Variables
  • CSS Box Sizing
  • CSS Media Queries
  • CSS Flexbox
  • Grid Intro
  • Grid Container
  • Grid Item
  • RWD Intro
  • RWD Viewport
  • RWD Grid View
  • RWD Media Queries
  • RWD Images
  • RWD Videos
  • RWD Frameworks
  • JS Introduction
  • JS Syntax
  • JS Comments
  • JS Variables
  • JS Let & Const
  • JS Operators
  • JS Data Types
  • JS Functions
  • JS Objects
  • JS Events
  • JS Strings
  • JS Arrays
  • JS Dates
  • JS Math
  • JS If Else
  • JS Switch
  • JS For Loop
  • JS While Loop
  • JS Break
  • JS Sets
  • JS Maps
  • JS Type Conversion
  • JS Errors
  • JS Scope
  • JS Hoisting
  • JS Strict Mode
  • JS this Keyword
  • JS Arrow Function
  • JS Classes
  • JavaScript DOM
  • JavaScript BOM
  • JS Async/Await
  • JS Web APIs
  • What is jQuery?
  • Adding jQuery Library to Pages
  • Basic jQuery Examples
  • How to download jQuery?
  • jQuery Syntax
  • The Document Ready Function
  • How to use Custom Scripts?
  • How to use Selectors?
  • CSS Element Selector and ID Selector
  • CSS Element Class Selector and Universal
  • Selector
  • CSS Multiple Elements E, F, G Selector
  • jQuery Callback Functions
  • Get Attribute Value
  • Set Attribute Value
  • How to Apply CSS Properties?
  • Setting Element Width & Height
  • JQuery CSS Methods
  • JQuery Online Effects
  • Slider
  • Lightbox
  • What is Bootstrap?
  • How to Install Bootstrap and jQuery?
  • Media Query
  • Bootstrap Grid System
  • Containers
  • Rows & Columns
  • Multiple columns
  • Resetting columns
  • Offsetting columns
  • Nesting columns
  • Push & Pull
  • Bootstrap Components
  • Glyphicons
  • Dropdown
  • Video
  • Nav & Navbar
  • Carousel & Tabbing
  • What is Media Query?
  • What is Responsive Web Design?
  • What screen resolutions do you
  • use while taking screenshots?
  • Final exam or assessment to evaluate course comprehension
  • Certification of completion for successful participants

Grab the spotlight by getting certified!

A details overview of the course, including key topics, objectives, and module sequence.

Industry-Recognized Certificate

Earn a certificate valued by top comanies.

Stand out in Job Market

Fortify Your Profile to increase Credibility

Your Passport to Career Growth

Access Well-Paying Digital Marketing Positions

Why Choose Us!

Free Career Counselling & Guidance from Us For your Job We work with you, not for you. Although we have a great resources.

10+ Year Experienced Trainer

Get experienced in divergent Era with our professional & experience trainers and team mamber at digital computer classes .

Get Free Intership

Gain practical experience through complimentary internship placements,providing you with valuable hands-on learning in real-world scenarios, essential for your career growth.

Work on Live Projects

Immerse yourself in live projects during your training experienced the gap between theory and practice.This practical implimentation boost your skills and confidence in your choosen field.

Hi-Tech Classrooms

Experience learning in air conditioning classrooms equipped with LED screen facility its enhancing your educational journey with a conducive environment that fosters concentration,innovation and collaboration.

Real-Time Doubt Solving Session

During sessions where instructors address your queries promptly,ensuring a doubtless learning experience. Clear doubts as they arise, maximizing your understanding and progress.

100% Placement Assistance

We have our own company and tied with 21 +partnership in jaipur we assure that you will get 100% placement in our All professional courses.

Enroll Now

    Web design involves creating visually appealing and functional websites that effectively communicate information to users. It's important because it influences user experience, engagement, and conversion rates on websites.
    This course is suitable for aspiring web designers, graphic designers, developers, entrepreneurs, marketers, and anyone interested in creating or improving websites for personal or professional use.
    Participants will learn fundamental design principles, HTML and CSS for structuring and styling web pages, UI/UX design concepts, responsive design techniques, JavaScript for interactivity, and best practices for optimizing web performance and SEO.
    No prior experience is required. Basic computer skills and familiarity with the Internet are helpful, but the course is designed to accommodate beginners and provide a solid foundation in web design concepts and practices.
    A web design course equips you with skills to create visually appealing, user-friendly websites that meet modern design standards. It enhances career prospects in web design, front-end development, digital marketing, and entrepreneurship by enabling you to create impactful online experiences for users.